Can i uninstall mozilla firefox that uses yahoo
Can i uninstall mozilla firefox that uses yahoo

If it performs a search on the search engine that you specified then you can close the about:config window and call it groovy. You can also use a custom search engine of your choice, you’ll just need to get the correct URL code for it.Ĭhanges should take effect immediately, to test it out open a new window ( Ctrl+N) and type a search query into the address bar. Now all you need to do is Paste in the following URL that matches the search engine you would like the bar to use.

can i uninstall mozilla firefox that uses yahoo

The default URL is likely Bing, just erase it. Under Preference Name, keyword.URL should pop up. With that said, Click the “ I’ll be careful, I promise!” button. However, this is the advanced system settings area of Firefox, so don’t go messing around with stuff unless you’re a groovy expert. This will take you to the config warning page that says “ This might void your warranty.” Take this warning label with a grain of salt, since Firefox doesn’t have a warranty. Type about:config into the Firefox address bar. You can even go as far as to remove all of the search engines from the list except for the one you want to use, but Firefox will still use the default ( Bing) for any search terms typed into the main address bar. It also allows you to “Manage Search Engines…” But, unfortunately, these changes only affect the search box, not the Firefox 4 address box. You may have noticed that the dedicated search box allows you to choose between providers.

Can i uninstall mozilla firefox that uses yahoo